Crick Software blog


Clicker and Student Voice

February 7, 2024

Within a school setting, there are several ways to gather students’ views, feelings, and wishes.

One way to collect this information is through student voice. Student voice may be used to gather a range of ideas about a particular subject, to find out their opinion on a learning experience, or to complete a student’s learning plan.

Clicker Talk Sets are a great resource for this as they offer an alternative way to record for those who struggle to express their ideas or feelings in writing.

Talk Sets enable students to verbally record information and thoughts using picture prompts or verbal cues, developing their oral communication and listening skills.

US-Student voice

US-Science Student voice

Students can select a picture and then use the microphone to record their ideas, opinions, or answers.

US-Student voice activity page

Clicker Boards are another effective way to record student voice. Adding Voice Notes along with a text cell allows students to share their thoughts and ideas either orally or in a written format. With both Talk Sets and Clicker Boards, students can re-record as many times as they need to which is great for those who lack confidence or students who are learning English as an additional language. You can also use your own pictures as visual clues for students.

US-Science student voice clicker board

By giving them a voice, students are helped to feel safe to express their views and, as a result, they feel valued and listened to. Watch our Talk Set and Clicker Board tutorials to find out how to edit sets from LearningGrids or how to quickly create your own from scratch!

Word Banks are also a great writing resource which can be used to support student voice. You can create tabs to support the structure of an answer as well as to provide prompts.

Student Voice Word Banks

There are hundreds of free ready-made Word Banks available on LearningGrids, and it is quick and easy to edit them to add your own vocabulary. In this example, there is a sentence starter tab to support the beginning of the response and then subsequent tabs to help the students build their sentence.

Watch our tutorial for more support on how to create or edit a Word Bank from LearningGrids.

Providing students with a voice and giving them an opportunity to play an active role in the decisions made within the school positively affects their learning and well-being. To explore other ways that you could be using Clicker to support teaching, learning, and well-being across your school, contact our Customer Experience team at 203 221 2697 or email

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