Crick Software blog

Joanne Gibbins

LearningGrids monthly update

22nd December 2020

Life has been hectic enough this year, so the last thing you want is another ‘to do’ item on your list! So, let us make life a (tiny) bit easier if new Clicker 8 resources on LearningGrids is something you keep an eye on.

Our technical publishing team have been working really hard on a new feature in response to customer feedback. Lots of you have been asking about a quick and easy way to see the new resources that have been published each month – it’s a great way of sharing and circulating to staff so they can make use of ideas to support their planning. We’re excited to let you know that we can now share a link each month to exactly that. Our marketing team’s monthly newsletter will include a link which will take you to all the shiny new Clicker 8 resources published on LearningGrids that month! Fantastic for a quick overview of the new additions.

Here’s a sneak preview and the link for November – and we will have December’s link with you soon. Look out for the newsletter from our lovely marketing team to access each month’s new list. Well done on making it through to the end of such a challenging year. Teachers, parents, carers everywhere, we salute you, and we hope to continue to support you and the children you work with in a bright, successful and very happy 2021!


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