Crick Software blog

catherine jell

Clicker success with older learners

29th August 2018

Recently, June Howard (Teaching Assistant at Hyde Community College) sent us a message to share how Clicker has made a world of difference to a year 9 student she works with – not only in terms of his learning, but also his behaviour in school and at home.

“He has ADHD, learning difficulties and behavioural problems; when he joined us in year 7 his behaviour was a real struggle. But since using Clicker, his behaviour has improved immensely – all the teachers are really pleased with him. It has also transferred to his behaviour at home, which is fantastic.

He even runs training sessions with me to teach other students how to use Clicker, which he really enjoys. He’s always asking me ‘Miss, when are we doing the next training session?’!

The thing that we’re most pleased with is that, because of Clicker, he is now above target level in eight of his subjects! It’s been so successful and I’m glad it’s being used more and more in school. A lot of the time, students are so proud of their work that they’re emailing it through to me before their teacher has even had a chance to send it to me!”

Read June’s story in full here.

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