Crick Software blog

Pauline Smith

Supporting children to talk and write about themselves

March 24, 2021

As students return to the classroom, they will be eager to share news with their friends, peers, and school adults. Let’s utilize this enthusiasm and channel it to recap and improve their vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing stamina. We have many resources on LearningGrids that support learners to express their preferences and opinions, both orally and in writing.

Our Show and Tell Custom Set is a good tool for helping children to transition from home learning to learning in school. It enables students to insert photos or paintings of their special objects and record information about them. The recordings can then be used to create a piece of writing.

 Talk and write about selves 1

The Clicker Books Photo Album One or Photo Album Two also enable children to add photos and talk or write about important items or events they wish to share with their classmates.

 Talk and write about selves 2 US

The next step would be for students to write about their preferences. To support children in this, use the My Favorite ThingsFood Likes and Dislikes, and My Spare Time Connect Sets. The resources offer sentence structures and vocabulary to enable students to write about their favorite things.

 Talk and write about selves 3 US

Music is also good stimulus for discussing and recording personal responses. The Responding to Music Custom Set provides a selection of music pieces for children to listen to, and after each piece they add a symbol to indicate how it made them feel. Students can also record an oral response to each piece of music. This offers a fantastic opportunity to spark discussion about how items and experiences make them feel.

 Talk and write about selves 4

All these resources will give learners a voice and a feeling that they are sharing and rebuilding their relationships with people in school. The completed work, along with Clicker Analytics data, can provide evidence of attainment and support you identifying the next learning steps the students need in literacy.  Browse the About Me category on LearningGrids to find more resources to help learners express their preferences, opinions, and feelings.

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