Crick Software blog

Alex Willcox

Micklehurst Primary School – Clicker success story

December 16, 2020

We recently spoke with Emma Gorton, the SEND Coordinator and Key Stage 2 phase leader at Micklehurst Primary School, about the school’s decision to upgrade to Clicker 8 and the positive impact the software is having on their students’ writing enjoyment and confidence.  

“We have found that many of our children are experiencing barriers to writing, such as dyspraxia or dyslexia, and some children simply struggle to record their ideas with pen and paper. These barriers to writing also seem to have increased since the COVID-19 lockdown. Fortunately, Clicker just seems to switch on a light inside of them and they’re keener to write. A lot of the children are now, as a result of Clicker, more successful writers and enjoy writing much more.

When we first began to use Clicker, we only used it with children who had barriers to writing, but we discovered that even children who didn’t have barriers to their learning were eager to use it, as well, creating a real sense of inclusion across the school. With Clicker, the children can word process and at the same time add pictures, and it’s really inspiring them to do their best work.

Clicker has truly transformed the writing experience for our students. The children love that they can use it to create narratives, reports, explanations – anything they want to write, they can do it with Clicker. Clicker has raised their self-esteem beyond words and revolutionized how they feel about their writing.”

Micklehurst All Saints Primary School 1

You can read the full story on our website.

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