Success stories


Clicker creates an equal learning experience

Nettie Reese is an AT Paraprofessional who recently got in contact to celebrate a ‘kodak moment’ one of her students had using Clicker. 

Nettie has worked with the AT team for Carroll County Public Schools for 24 years, visiting every school as needed and helping their students to use Clicker.  

“A lot of our children with learning differences can read and write but my team help by breaking down learning into smaller steps.”

Nettie checks in with her students and teachers weekly, seeing how they’re getting on with Clicker and supporting them as required. 

She got in touch with us to share a fantastic moment where a student regained learning independence and confidence from using Clicker: 

“The student had been having seizures, which led to a loss of mobility and memory. She is a bright girl and we wanted to help her gain back her learning independence.  

The goal of using Clicker was to create an equal learning experience for her in class – and this is what the ‘kodak moment’ was.  

During a recent lesson, she completed her work in sync with the other students and was able to finish, read and make comments about it at the same time as the rest of her class. She did this by using a Clicker Board with word prediction and exported the text.  

The beautiful thing was, she was able to join in with her peers saying, ‘Look what I did. I did this.’ And that’s what it’s about,
her differences didn’t make a difference when she used Clicker. She was equal to everyone else in her class.”

Nettie uses the ready-made LearningGrids resources to make sure her team provide their students with the right support for their learning needs to help them feel successful. 

For everything we do, we visit LearningGrids because I can tweak the resources in the way that each student needs. It’s important to modify the work so that they have stepping stones and scaffolding to make them feel like everyone else – successful. And we can do this using LearningGrids.”

We loved hearing from Nettie about the huge difference Clicker is making across her district. If you would like to find out how Clicker can be used to support your students, please get in touch with our team by:  


Phone: 203 221 2697  

Meeting: schedule a 15-minute consultation