Install Clicker for Mac

To install Clicker on your Mac computer, you will need to get your serial number, download the installer and then you can install on a standalone computer or across the network.

Get your serial number


Download the installer

  1. You will be taken to the Get Started tab.

  2. Select the appropriate installer according to your device type and country.

Run the installer

  1. In the Clicker Installer window, double-click on Clicker Installer file and click Open if prompted.

Standalone installation

These instructions are for standalone installations only, click here for network installation.

  1. Follow the listed steps.
  1. Clicker will create a folder on the computer to be the Home location (the default when opening / saving files). If a cloud storage app is installed that you’d prefer to use, select it when prompted (this can be changed later).
  1. Leave Activate Clicker automatically enabled.

  2. Answer OK to any permission requests that appear.

Network installation

We recommend uninstalling all old Clicker versions first.

  1. Open the downloaded DMG file. In the Clicker Installer drive that appears in Finder, double-click the Clicker Installer file inside.

  2. Choose Install to computers on the network and click Install.

  3. Provide your 20-character serial number.

  4. Specify the Home location (the default when opening / saving files in Clicker).

    If a cloud storage app is installed, you can select it here.

    Alternatively, select Network share. Click beneath it, click Choose, and then browse to a network share that users have read / write access to.

    The Home location can be changed by the user after installation.

  5. Specify a location for your unique client package to be generated.

  6. Agree to the license agreement and then click Install.

  7. When the network setup finishes, a Clicker Client.dmg will be generated at your specified location. You can then do one of the following:

    • On each Mac client, browse to the Clicker Client.dmg, double-click it, and then run the Clicker Installer.pkg inside.

    • Install via command line, such as:
      sudo installer -pkg /path/to/Clicker\ Installer.pkg -target /

    • Deploy the Clicker Installer.pkg to clients via Apple Remote Desktop or similar.

Installation guide

    Installation and management guide
    Clicker for Windows/Mac
    Last modified
    9th May 2023
    245 KB
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