DocsPlus for Chromebook

To ensure DocsPlus is working correctly, please perform this checklist on at least one Chromebook before your training session.

If you experience issues of any sort, please contact Support.

1) Latest version

Install the latest version to ensure you have all the current features.

To install DocsPlus for Chromebook, see our step-by-step install guide. For guidance on deploying to multiple Chromebook users, see:


2) Launch

Launch DocsPlus and check that it loads successfully.

If you get an error message, please see:


3) License + Speech

To check that the app is licensed successfully, write some words, and then click the  speak_text  Speak Text icon.

If an error message says you're in Limited Access Mode, please see:


To manage your licenses, see:


4) LearningGrids

To test opening a free resource, click the top-left  DocsPlus Explorer  Explorer icon and choose LearningGrids. The website should load in a new window, listing the latest resources.

Click a resource’s Open button. It should load within the app and be usable.

If the website doesn't load, or you get an error message, please see:
