Add pictures to the Document

What you learned: printable summary

Browse for an image

Use the CrickPix2 library of images or search through pictures saved on your computer:

  1. Go to the Document ribbon and click picture icon .
  2. Choose Browse… from the menu.
  3. Navigate the Explorer to find the picture you want to use.
Use the Paint tool

Use the paint tool to create your own picture:

  1. Go to the Document ribbon and click picture icon .
  2. Choose Paint… from the menu.
  3. Use the tools provided to draw your picture.
Take a photo

Use a webcam to take a photo:

  1. Go to the Document ribbon and click picture icon .
  2. Choose Photo… from the menu.
  3. Click take photo to take a photo.
Picturize a document

Automatically add pictures to words in your document:

  1. Go to the Document ribbon and click picture icon.
  2. Choose Picturize… from the menu.
  3. Choose whether to ignore high frequency words.
  4. Click Picturize.
Other picture options

Resize pictures and add a caption or hyperlink:

  • Click and drag the corner handles to resize a picture.
  • Right-click a picture and choose from the menu to add a caption or a hyperlink.