Which switch interfaces can I use on Windows / Mac?

Clicker / DocsPlus compatibility.


Our own Crick Switch Box works directly with Clicker / DocsPlus. Once it’s connected to the computer, you can start using it immediately.

Third party devices     

Most switch interfaces work by converting switch presses into keyboard key presses.

If a switch interface can be configured to mimic the F7 and F8 keys for Switch 1 and Switch 2 respectively, it can control Clicker / DocsPlus on a basic level.

However, fine adjustment of timing settings (see related article) won't be possible.

About this article
November 8, 2017
Last revised
April 11, 2021
Applies to
  • Clicker for Windows / Mac
  • DocsPlus for Windows / Mac
  • DocsPlus Universal for Windows / Mac