DocsPlus for Windows / Mac

For licenses purchased before November 2020.


Stuck on "Step 11 of 22" or "problem with SAPI5"

When launching the software, the loading screen freezes at Step 11 of 22, or you get an error stating "...there is a problem with SAPI5".


When launching, our software tries to load all speech engines on the computer, including third-party ones. The error message indicates that there was a problem doing this.

The problem may be caused by a faulty speech engine, or remnants of a program that didn't uninstall correctly.

UNINSTALL Previous versions

If previous versions of our software are installed, uninstalling them may fix the problem.


If Co:Writer is installed, try this:

  1. Uninstall our software.
  2. Uninstall Co:Writer.
  3. Reinstall our software.
  4. Reinstall Co:Writer.

Troubleshooting Guide

If you’ve followed the above advice without success, it'll require some trial and error to find the cause of the problem.

The Speech Engine Guide guide below contains a series of troubleshooting steps. It involves editing the Windows Registry, so we recommend passing this task to your IT Support unless you're familiar with doing this.

About this article
2nd November 2017
Last revised
13th December 2019
Applies to
  • Clicker for Windows / Mac
  • DocsPlus for Windows / Mac
  • DocsPlus Universal for Windows / Mac
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