Provide access to exams

If a student qualifies for additional access arrangements in exams, they can use DocsPlus, saving time and money that would otherwise be spent on scribes and readers. This also enables them to participate more independently.

“We primarily use DocsPlus instead of human readers for exams. This gives students far greater independence and saved us 300 hours of staff time in the first year alone."

Fiona Johnson, SENCo,
St Augustine’s Priory School

How can I use DocsPlus in exams?

How much can I save with DocsPlus?

Once you’ve invested in DocsPlus, you don’t just have an award-winning literacy software, you also have the means to support learners who qualify for a reader or a scribe.

Exam-friendly options

In addition to the DocReader, DocsPlus also includes a number of 'exam-friendly' features:

  • Smart tabs provide one-click toggling between the document you're writing and the one you're reading. Alternatively, use DocsPlus' innovative screen tiling feature, which pins the exam questions to the bottom of the screen, enabling students to access the exam question as they write their answer.
  • If a student's answer booklet is in an editable PDF format, they can use DocsPlus to write directly into it. Support features including speech feedback and word prediction will also be accessible here, if students are allowed to use them.

When ‘Exam Mode’ is turned on in DocsPlus, the student will no longer be able to access certain support features (depending on which features you have chosen to disable). These preferences will be tied to each student's individual computer profile.

Help children prepare for exams