Clicker Apps

Clicker Apps provide the unique and award-winning features of Clicker on iPad and Chromebook.

Clicker subscribers have access to all three of our Clicker Apps:

Clicker Writer

The child-friendly supportive word processor

Watch your pupils confidently tackle writing tasks with help from Clicker’s realistic speech feedback, talking spell checker, audio note recorder, intelligent word prediction tool and mind-mapping feature.

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Clicker Books

Making books the Clicker way

Provide speech-supported on-screen books tailored to your pupils’ learning needs, interests and objectives. You can also give children all the tools they need to create their very own talking books!

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Clicker Talk

Raising confidence in speaking and listening

Nurture children’s speaking and listening skills with Clicker Talk. Just add pictures to create your own Listen and Say, Talk About or Tell the Story resources.

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Talk to us

If you have a Clicker Apps query or would like to discuss the next steps for purchasing, please call 01604 671691, email or complete the form below.

Alternatively, book a consultation meeting with one of our Education Consultants with our online booking system here.